lundi 23 juin 2014

Nothing Comes Easy !

Hi divas and gentlemen,
Isn't funny how we all want to have beautiful things ? I mean beautiful life , nice car and more ... Some , just want to have a normal life , whereby they have all necessities. But ,to get all of these , I do think right away of work !
I agree for some they didn't have to struggle to get anything ,because their parents paved a way for them long time,and they are just enjoying the fruits of their parents hard work .I use this example just to show you that, somebody had to work for things to happen . May be you just find it on the table but your parents had to make sacrifices to give you what you have today!
As for me , nothing I got , or wanted , just came free .I work , cried , prayed sometimes I felt like this life isn't just fair for me .But , The Lord made me understand that , when the beginning is tough and seems that you won't make it , it should give you hint that, the results are going to be great .
And I believed it is true , let just take an example of having a blog or You Tube channel , you need to make sacrifice ,time and effort to write and make videos which takes time with editing .If ,you do not put these in actions , how can you have a successful blog or You Tube channel ?
And this is where perseverance and patient come in , just because you have started a project or a business ,it doesn't mean you will see the fruits tomorrow ,it takes time .As a blogger I understand that ,it will take time for me to get more followers and hits but it doesn't stop me from writing my thoughts every time I have an opportunity.

 Love your dreams and be prepared to make sacrifices ,if it is going to take away few hours of sleep or you will have to get up early then do it . Even ,people who win lottery do make sacrifices the money they spend to buy the tickets ,they can use to buy other things ,yet they take a risk and buy tickets in which they are not sure ,they are going to win or not ,believe in Jesus and trust all your projects in Him ! XOXO

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