lundi 23 juin 2014


Hello beautiful people ,
I woke up this morning with this positive attitude , no matter what I am going through I got to keep my head up .My burdens are still here ,my problems are here but I am not going to let them to bring me down .I have no place for worries ,regrets or remorse in my heart .So ,I am stepping out this morning putting my head up.
Those days of me walking my head down are over ,those days of me avoiding eye contact with others are over , I am stepping out of that bubble I have created in my mind , I am stepping out of that shame which wore my body and soul , the enemy used that as weapon to step me back from accomplishing my dreams , but now that I know that Jesus Christ died , He carried my shame and guilt two thousands years ago ! Whoa , so every time regrets would come to make feel bad I am prepared .

  have been given this life ,so I got to live ,many and more important people than me were not given that opportunity to see today ,but I am alive ,not because I am holier than them ,not because I deserved it ,but the grace of the Almighty God I have been given this free gift .Therefore , I will step out my head up !

I hope you do as well ,and may your day be filled with love of Christ ,knowing that His sacrifice was not vain but for you to live as prince or princess .God bless you XOXO

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La chanteuse nigériane Alizee aurait été tué par son mari danois

Un Danois, Peter Nielsen, a été arrêté dans le cadre du meurtre de sa femme nigériane, Zainab, et de leur fille de quatre ans. ...