mardi 24 juin 2014


Hello beautiful people ,
On this video I used products from ELF and NYX . And most of the products were under 10$ and 5$ .LOL Chick and cheap! Not everybody can afford expensive make up , but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to look good .You can still get a nice look all you need is just to know how to mix colors ,and work with the little that you have got .

 Be Blessed this morning !

lundi 23 juin 2014


I don't encourage theft because it is sin according to my believe , there is no big and small ones .This is just a funny story of my childhood that I decided to share with you thank you !

African Outifit :Details

This outfit is among the expensive ones in Africa , its name varies from each part of Africa , in my country we call it Boubou .It is expensive because the material is made by hands ,it takes a lot of time and effort to make it .
You need to really be careful washing it ,until now I am really scared to wash it , I usually give it to someone who has experience to wash for me , because any mistake would destroy the material very bad . This African outfit is really comfortable and easy to wear , it is flattering to all shapes , as you see on the picture I am not curvy but it still looks good on me .

 The front has this nice broderies that is in french , I am too lazy to Google the translation in English (MDRRRR) if you know please let me know under the comment box .So this is pretty much about the dress ,thank you and Jesus Loves you


Hello beautiful people ,
I woke up this morning with this positive attitude , no matter what I am going through I got to keep my head up .My burdens are still here ,my problems are here but I am not going to let them to bring me down .I have no place for worries ,regrets or remorse in my heart .So ,I am stepping out this morning putting my head up.
Those days of me walking my head down are over ,those days of me avoiding eye contact with others are over , I am stepping out of that bubble I have created in my mind , I am stepping out of that shame which wore my body and soul , the enemy used that as weapon to step me back from accomplishing my dreams , but now that I know that Jesus Christ died , He carried my shame and guilt two thousands years ago ! Whoa , so every time regrets would come to make feel bad I am prepared .

  have been given this life ,so I got to live ,many and more important people than me were not given that opportunity to see today ,but I am alive ,not because I am holier than them ,not because I deserved it ,but the grace of the Almighty God I have been given this free gift .Therefore , I will step out my head up !

I hope you do as well ,and may your day be filled with love of Christ ,knowing that His sacrifice was not vain but for you to live as prince or princess .God bless you XOXO

Nothing Comes Easy !

Hi divas and gentlemen,
Isn't funny how we all want to have beautiful things ? I mean beautiful life , nice car and more ... Some , just want to have a normal life , whereby they have all necessities. But ,to get all of these , I do think right away of work !
I agree for some they didn't have to struggle to get anything ,because their parents paved a way for them long time,and they are just enjoying the fruits of their parents hard work .I use this example just to show you that, somebody had to work for things to happen . May be you just find it on the table but your parents had to make sacrifices to give you what you have today!
As for me , nothing I got , or wanted , just came free .I work , cried , prayed sometimes I felt like this life isn't just fair for me .But , The Lord made me understand that , when the beginning is tough and seems that you won't make it , it should give you hint that, the results are going to be great .
And I believed it is true , let just take an example of having a blog or You Tube channel , you need to make sacrifice ,time and effort to write and make videos which takes time with editing .If ,you do not put these in actions , how can you have a successful blog or You Tube channel ?
And this is where perseverance and patient come in , just because you have started a project or a business ,it doesn't mean you will see the fruits tomorrow ,it takes time .As a blogger I understand that ,it will take time for me to get more followers and hits but it doesn't stop me from writing my thoughts every time I have an opportunity.

 Love your dreams and be prepared to make sacrifices ,if it is going to take away few hours of sleep or you will have to get up early then do it . Even ,people who win lottery do make sacrifices the money they spend to buy the tickets ,they can use to buy other things ,yet they take a risk and buy tickets in which they are not sure ,they are going to win or not ,believe in Jesus and trust all your projects in Him ! XOXO

Style By Bi Paulacloset

Hello beautiful people ,
I did buy this trouser and I am just putting ideas on how I should wear it , and I came up with this look .I like the colors pattern on the material , a little bit of white ,black and blue .
I didn't want to put so much blue ,but I ended up doing so.I think for this summer I am going to wear the trouser with the little black top from DKNY with those shoes and the little bag , then at the end of summer , if I happened to wear this look I may end putting that blue blazer on top in case it gets chilli in the evening .


Hi ladies ,
These are my favorites lipstick for now , I use Iman , NYX, NYC I hope you like .Show me your fav XOXO


I just did comparison on Revlon color stay and Make Up forever , this is just my opinion , we do have different skin types .So enough said ,God bless you

Hello ,it is a beautiful day

Hello ,I intercede this morning that you start loving yourself not in a selfish way but in a way that will allow you to love the person next to you as well.How will you love somebody else ,when you don't love yourself? You only give what you have ,also know how to let go of your guilt and shame .You are a winner nothing should bring you down ,go get that job ,those ideas of yours make them concrete !Stay bless , it is a beautiful day XOXO

La chanteuse nigériane Alizee aurait été tué par son mari danois

Un Danois, Peter Nielsen, a été arrêté dans le cadre du meurtre de sa femme nigériane, Zainab, et de leur fille de quatre ans. ...